Friday, August 20, 2010

Healthcare system

I'm really not excited about the new healthcare "reform". It seems to me that it is only making things worse. If Obama is really about "change" than he needs to stop worrying so much about personal interests and change the system to something that will actually be beneficial to people. In the end, it just seems like one big disaster. Everyone being required to have healthcare - fail. Obviously a large portion of citizens can't afford to have insurance because it is either not offered or too expensive for their income. Businesses are always going to look for a way to beat the system. Right now, they choose not to offer insurance, offer crappy insurance with high premiums that cover absolutely nothing, or they limit the amount of people they hire on a full time basis so they don't have to require health insurance policies. Do you think they won't find a way around this new system? Don't get me wrong, I dont' know a whole lot about the new system, and I'm glad that the issue has come up, but can we move it from an issue to a working system?? Yes, there are systems that work in other countries, but they always come with pros and cons. We need to sit down and actually come up with a workable system, whether it's national healthcare or personal insurance coverage. If you are going to do something then make health coverage available, affordable to everyone, and have a decent range of coverage. Lets be honest, at this point you are better off not having insurance, not paying a premium, and creating an account for yourself for medical emergencies. Coverage should be an option not a requirement.

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