Saturday, May 29, 2010

Animal Rights

What is the point of having animal cruelty laws? I was always under the impression that they were in tact to protect the other living creatures in the world. Apparently, I was wrong.

It is evident that the U.S. government, local or federal, are not planning to fix any type of "situation" that may come into the general public's eye. Apparently, this law is only affective with an "out of sight, out of mind" operative. As a nobody in a world of billions of human beings, I am offended. The nation doesn't want this "fake" protection, most people actually care about animal rights.

If we look at the most recent case in Ohio, Mercyforanimals against Conklin Dairy Farms, it is evident that money wins and law is overrated. There are hours and hours of constant cow abuse footage taped by this organization. Some has been released to the general public as graphic videos. These same videos were used in their case. Instead of looking at the situation of cruelty at hand, the court and the dairy farm made the focus on the anti-cruelty group instead. They claim the group is trying to destroy the meat industry and similar likes. In the end, these videos were handed over to the Dairy Farm for "self-investigation" and trespassing. The only real result of the case was one man in the spotlight taking all the blame. He was in the wrong for animal cruelty, but why was he the only man fired?

I find it hard to believe that any type of justice really came from all of this fight. We have a major farm industry with noted animal cruelty behavior. Instead of looking at the behavior and who promoted it, our court system chose to allow a self-investigation?? If the company promoted this type of behavior does anyone really think they are going to make a large amount of changes? Why are they, at the very least, not being supervised during this so-called investigation? Why are no real steps being taken to stop a large amount of cruelty? There is footage and evidence that this happens nationally in the U.S. at almost all slaughterhouses, commercial farms, and various other places, such as puppy mills and research facilities. But beyond all the major places of offense, we are eating this. Our children are eating this. I'm not against eating meat or using animal products, but I'm not pro consumption of bad energy either. I think it's a bit strange that the USDA would allow consumption of such products to the people and children they are supposedly protecting. I'm not looking for the end of all eating of animals and animal products. Everyone has the right to choose what they do and do not consume. I'm just looking for a little bit of justice for the world. Justice for the animals that can't protect themselves in such cruel positions, justice for the people who think killing and raping innocent animals is a "sport", and justice for the people, we shouldn't be unaware of the substances in our foods especially such inhumanities.

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